Friday, February 27, 2009

Hi all ,

Well another week is gone and March will soon be here . Today I got a lot Arsenault family history to go over . My friend Richard in the states send me all of his files he had on the Arsenaults . I just started looking at it and it will keep me busy for some time . So I want to say Thank You Richard for sending me all of this family history . With this history I can update my family history and my family tree . So once I get time to go through all of it , I will beable to update my family tree on my website .
I am also still waiting to get my DNA kit in the mail , hopefully it will come this week coming and I can get it done and return to them .

Well I guess thats it for now , hope you all have a great weekend and that we don't get to much snow on Sunday night ..

Thanks once again Richard for the CDs and the program to open it ..I got the cemeteries CDs done and will get them in the mail on Monday , when I go to work .

Take care everyone .

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Good evening ,

Well I took another step today in my family history project , I order an YDNA test kit . So I am waiting to receive it in the mail . Then I will send it back and should have my results back with in 4 weeks .
results include: your migration map, your DNA markers (for YDNA) or differences relative to the Revised Cambridge Reference Sequence (for mtDNA), and your haplogroup.The migration map will detail the migration patterns associated with your ancestors, living many thousands of years ago.Your DNA markers or differences are unique to you and, in the web 2.0 tradition, are fully portable for use with other DNA testing services.A haplogroup is a group of similar haplotypes that share a common ancestor with a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) mutation. Haplogroups pertain to deep ancestral origins dating back thousands of years.

Will let you know more about this when I get my results back ..

Hope you all have a great evening ..


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Hello everyone

Just thought I let you know that I have my new webpage up ... Its a little history on the Arsenault's family .. Its about Jean Pierre Arsenault , Born approximately 1756 in Acadia and died in Bic , a small town that he founded on the St. Lawrence River .

The story of this immegrant goes back to the French and Indian War,Which started in 1754 and ended in 1763 . During this period of time the English claimed from the French the land known back then as Acadia (Henry Wardsworth Longfellow in his famous story of Evangeline mentions this place called Acadia and the story is about a woman called Evangeline who escaped the English at this time , becausethere was a lot of killing going on . Down in Louisiana , where there was a lot of what we call today Acadains there is quite a bit of history.These people migrated to there during this time when they were fleeingfrom the English . In the encyclopedia it mentions the name of LouisArceneaux , which I think could be a brother or some relative of the above person , who we are talking about . Spelling is not the same , but thru the years spelling in names has changed from the original spellingwho is right and what is the right spelling it is hard to know .

To find out more . check out my website , and the page , Jean Pierre ...

Thanks for dropping by ..


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Just a short post ..

Just a short post ..

I was not feeling too good on the weekend , so I didn't get any work done on my new web page . I am hoping to get back to it soon and have it done soon . We are in the middle of another snow storm here , they are calling for anywhere from 10cm to 30cm of snow before it is all done by tomorrow afternoon. And with some freezing rain mixs in with the snow in some places ..

Hope you are all in where its nice and warm ..
Take care !