Sunday, January 24, 2010

Old Photos

Hi all ,

Today I thought we would talk about old photos , I just got some old family photos from a cousin , First was of my greatgrandfather , Placide Arsenault , It was so great to get it , I added it to my website under family photos , then I got some more .. One of my great aunt Minnie Arsenault , daughter of Placide Arsenault and Jane Noiles . Also in the same photo , her husband George Gouchie , these photos tells a story in their own . Old family photos are a great way to your family history alive . when you are looking at old family photos , don't just look at the people or person in the photo , but look at what in the photos , by looking at what in the background , you can see what their life was like in a way . So here one of these photos that I just got , look at what in the background .. and you will see what I mean . Like the old ringer washer machine , and only one tap for water , which was alway cold water .. no hot water heater back then .

Thanks for visiting .

Rick .

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